Original characters created by allectodraws.

Copyright © 2022-2023 allectodraws . All rights reserved.


The character below is the one I have worked on the most. Here’s a little bit about her.

Confusion is a warrior who has lived most of her life fighting and training in the colder climates of the North, traveling by her lonesome most of the time. She’s a very skeptical character, and trusts only herself and her instincts. However, if she meets someone who she judges to be of good character and worthy of trust, she is not unwilling to cooperate.

As a result of her life’s experiences, she has become accustomed to using psychological tactics to defeat her enemies. She is still very formidable in a normal one on one battle, but her expertise (while travelling alone) lies in thinning out multiple enemies on her own over time until she reveals herself to fight her enemy head on.

Despite her cold, silent appearance, she is not entirely cruel, and holds her own set of morals.

Copyright © 2022-2023 allectodraws . All rights reserved.


pronounced ( Near-oh )

nero, “the banished god”, is the newest of my original characters. sharing the same world as confusion (my previously displayed character), nero will be a key player in my aforementioned story.

once a member of a delusional pantheon, nero was the only god in his respective universe to defend humanity from the whims of his peers. however, once dissent from the other gods gave form to violence, nero was faced with a rebellion.

the gods he once considered his brothers and sisters raised their weapons against nero out of distaste for his persistent protection of mankind. overwhelmed by numbers, nero put up a valiant effort, but ultimately could not win.

you can learn more about nero and his story in the future when I post more on him and publish his story, however you can find existing lore/images of him in his “projects” page, or by clicking the image above.

Copyright © 2023 allectodraws . All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2022-2023 allectodraws . All rights reserved.


my first ever posted drawing, and my first original character

chaos is yet another god in the same world as nero, and is planned to be the main antagonist force of the story all of my original characters listed above reside in.

chaos, as you might guess, is the god of chaos. or at least he is during the present time in my story.

for thousands of years, the once sane god of war has been sealed away in a location unknown to mankind, in order to not only stunt the growth of any potential following, but to prevent his return.

after losing his mind when the earth was young and the age of the gods was still new, chaos, who was once known as war, allowed his mind to be tainted by violence and greed. rather than upholding his position as the god of war, maintaining a balance of order in the world, chaos wished to indulge in indiscriminate killings and destruction of all things. his mind was reduced to that of an animal, and he took a form befitting such a mind.

due to the hell that followed chaos, the remaining members of the pantheon had to unite in order to stop him from unraveling of reality.

after a prolonged, earth rending battle, chaos was just barely sealed away from reality, leaving the planet scarred. the geography of the earth itself had been formed into something unrecognizable to its past self, leaving a mere fraction of the world population left to survive.

the horrific insurrection led by chaos had caused a civilization reset, leaving mankind back in the stone age. it wouldn’t be for thousands of years until mankind could recover some of the population, or even return to the era of medieval society. thus, the keeping chaos’ existence hidden from future generations of mankind was of upmost importance for the gods, aside from making sure the planet was still stable enough to even sustain life.

chaos’ story will continue when more writing has been completed with more imagery to compliment it. writing for this story has been paused so that i could put more focus into a seperate shorter story, and so that i can work on my art.

Copyright © 2022-2023 allectodraws . All rights reserved.


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